Your concierge jeweler. Elias brings the store to you.
Call or text to 954-559-6412 for your appointment.
Your concierge jeweler. Elias brings the store to you.
Call or text to 954-559-6412 for your appointment.
At Elias, we understand that you may have already found the diamond of your dreams from another site, or maybe even from your local family jeweler. You want to use them, but you really just want an unbiased opinion as to which of the diamonds you have been offered is the best value for the money.
There are so many factors that can affect a diamonds value:
Is it certified?
Which lab is it certified by?
What does the certificate say?
Does the diamond have fluorescence?
Is it treated in any way?
Are there additional comments on the certificate?
Where are the inclusions located on the diamond?
There is so much more than just weight, color, and clarity that can affect the value of a diamond.
Let our G.I.A. Graduate Gemologist compare your options for you. Send us an e-mail with the diamonds you want to compare, along with the price of each one. We will then give you our OPINION* as to which diamond is the best value based on price and the details in the certificate. This service starts at $50.00 and increases based on how many diamonds need to be evaluated.
*Opinions from jewelers will vary. The jeweler selling the diamonds may also prefer a specific one based on his/her cost. We will use over 40 years of diamond industry knowledge to give an unbiased opinion as to which diamond we believe is the best value for the money. We can remain unbiased since we are not selling the actual diamond and therefore are not affected by its cost, etc. However, the final purchase decision is ultimately up to the client and the client only!!
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Serving our clients in the comfort of their home, office, or bank. We work around your busy schedule to bring the store to you. Always buying diamonds, gold, and watches. Appraisal services are also available.
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